The Journey to a New Web Site


I can remember clearly, sitting in my office on a cold March evening in 2020, reading the early media snippets about an alleged virus that was brewing.  I remember thinking about all that I have learned about human immunity, the horrendous state of the environment and the food system. The Lancet called what we were dealing with in health prior to the calamity, a global syndemic. I knew conditions were fragile in terms of public health as evidenced by the steady increase in non-communicable diseases.  I was worried for all of us. However, nothing could have prepared me for the unintended consequences of how the world responded to trying to contain the spread of whatever this thing was. Travel was stopped, borders closed, and people took to wearing masks.  Self-isolation, lock downs and reporting of cases daily in the news became the norm.

The legacy media seemed to do a great job of increasing fear and keeping people in a state of anxiety.  I stopped reviewing the media and was appalled that the best advice from a public health perspective was to sanitize your hands regularly, stay away from people and eventually take part in a clinical trial through receiving one of the various pharmaceutical interventions on offer.  The most dreadful outcome that I observed was the dehumanization of people that seemed to emerge if people took a different position or view toward health interventions than their own. Social media became full of abuse, hatred and ridicule seemed to prevail.  Meanwhile, in the local physical community where I lived people were dealing with suicides, financial collapse and severe undermining of health through lack of social contact. Navigating during this time as a human was very challenging.  I drew on meditation, movement, prayer, astrology, whole plant-based foods, herbs and connection with a few great beings to maintain alignment.

Meanwhile, during the two years across 2020/21 I had to transform how I participated in the world of work.  No longer able to jump on a plane or train to meet clients, I became a zoombie like many others.  I had already been using technology to work with clients for years, however, it was always a support to connect in between sessions.  Now it was the only mode to connect.  I mourned the physical connection and felt the physical distance between myself and many people I loved both personally and professionally. 

One positive outcome of this period and a key piece of work that I have undertaken through this last two years is being able to articulate what my work is.  This web site reflects what I offer in the world of work now and I feel it outlines what I do in service to various organisations and people in the world. My aim with this news page is to offer reflections, thoughts, ideas and dimensions I grapple with through my encounters with people.  In any month the topics I discuss, the reading or reflection I do is varied and rich.  I hope you enjoy the share.


Transforming Experience Framework