Professional Supervision

Why this work matters?

Supervision is a collaborative and structured process designed to support and enrich the professional development and ethical maturity of individuals, groups, and teams within a specific field or industry.  If your practice finds you working in complex environments or at depth with people’s emotions, experiences or challenges, supervision ensures you maintain boundaries and an environment for working that promotes wellbeing and containment for all. By actively engaging in the supervision process, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your work and its impact, leading to increased fulfillment in your roles at work.

Who will benefit from Professional Supervision?

  • Internal and exernal consultants that are working in complex or challenging environments.

  • Team and individual coaches that would benefit from reflection and examination of their current work and interventions in organisational life.

  • Practitioners from various disciplines that deliver services across various social and organisational environments that require a space to reflect on boundaries, ethics, practice and wellbeing.

Group or team supervision

Provides the opportunity for specialists or multi-disciplinary practitioners to connect in a supportive environment. Clear ground rules are established to ensure confidentiality, respect, and unconditional positive regard.

The process provides the opportunity for group members to present cases or specific client situations. Insights, perspectives, and feedback is provided by the group. The focus is on exploring the case in-depth, identifying underlying dynamics, and considering alternative interventions or approaches. 

Topics of interest and experiences can also be engaged with through dialogue and reflection. Support and encouragement are key parts of the process whereby growth and learning can occur, while also challenging assumptions and fostering critical thinking.  

Through group discussions and feedback, members integrate new insights and learning gained into their practice, enhancing their effectiveness with clients.

Individual Professional Supervision

Consultants, Coaches and Practitioners

If your practice finds you working in complex environments or at depth with people’s emotions, experiences or challenges, supervision ensures you maintain boundaries and an environment for working that promotes wellbeing and containment for all.

Engaging in professional supervision offers numerous benefits. First, supervision provides a safe and supportive environment for you to explore and analyse your work experiences. Through guided discussions, you'll gain valuable insights into your professional performance and identify areas for improvement.

Second, by engaging in reflective practice and reflexive enquiry, you'll develop new strategies to enhance your professional skills and knowledge.

Maintaining ethical standards is crucial in any profession, and the approach I take in supervision focuses on managing boundaries effectively. I’ll support you to establish and navigate appropriate professional relationships and identify and resolve any ethical dilemmas you may encounter.

In addition to personal and professional well-being, supervision also increases job satisfaction.

The Supervision Process

A model for work

Over the years I have been able to discern patterns of topics that people bring forward when working with their experiences at work. I have formulated them into categories that are useful to understand when examining the world of work. The categories intersect and influence each other, in small or large ways, depending on the topic at hand. This model assists people to move beyond a ‘me centric’ view of the world to one where multiple perspectives are brought into view.

Societal trends
Political shifts
Social norms
Policy changes
Socio – demographics
Climate impacts
Public health
Mental models
Social identities
Multiple Roles
Mindful practices
Organisational Purpose
Collective beliefs
Professional identities
Organisational dynamics
Team Effectiveness
Contextual cultural norms
PastRole biography
Decisions taken
Key relationships
Family history
Market shifts
Generational Narratives
Resource allocation

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