Lead in Better Ways for Everyone

Individual and Group Professional Supervision

Role Consultations and Team Effectiveness


Be rewarded in the world of work!


Human beings across all stages of life are continually navigating two main areas — relationships and work — with intersecting dimensions across both. At the core, most people yearn for fulfillment and a deeper sense of belonging and love. We all have far more capacity than is often realised.

Fortunately, if we are willing to invest in exploring what influences us and the choices we make, we can make progress and embody a real sense of vocation or calling.

My Services

You can engage at a personal, team or organisational level. We can establish the objectives and desires for the work. We can agree the roles and process of engagement. We will then embark on an experience that allows progress to be made for all. The following are the three key areas I specialise in:

Role Consultations

Is a process that involves working to enhance leadership capabilities, develop awareness, and achieve professional goals.  By exploring unconscious processes, we can unlock a deeper understanding of actions and decisions influencing how roles are taken up.

Professional Supervision

If you work at depth with people’s emotions, experiences, or challenges in roles, supervision ensures you maintain boundaries and an environment for working that promotes well-being and containment for all.

Team Effectiveness

This work is particularly helpful for major change, intractable problems, start ups and complex environments. Working systemically offers opportunities and resources to see patterns in complexity and navigate them collectively to serve a greater purpose.



“Rebekah has been instrumental in helping us shape our organisation and the roles within it. She has a canny ability to get to the crux of the matter(s) at lightning speed and results are immediate and profound. Her ongoing work with us is helping us maintain the boundaries between roles and focus on the key issues while being clear who is accountable for delivering what.”

Managing Partner
HEDD, Germany



“I wanted to be aware of how my current behaviours in my role were conditioned by past family, social and societal experiences and what I needed to address to improve how my organisation functioned. Rebekah was able to offer learning methods of social dreaming and role-based drawings that really worked for me and I was able to identify and work with many aspects of my leadership experiences and discover new resources.”

Chief Executive Officer & Founder
Climber Software, Portugal



“As a CFO, it’s challenging to break free of the norms of the finance world. I was lucky enough to be introduced to Rebekah via my CEO. What opened up for me was the possibility beyond having the answer all the time. What can be created with a well-placed question and the walls that can be broken down if we are present enough to work through the assumptions that we carry with us. I would recommend if for any CFO who understand that managing numbers today has moved well beyond the numbers and is not always about being rational.”

Chief Financial Officer
Carpet Court Retail, Australia



“Rebekah has facilitated fast, deep and dynamic shifts in our leadership team. Her focused work with us has accelerated our capacity growth, resulting in sharper team effectiveness, coordination and resilience. Rebekah works with a heart and passion which is palpable and permeates throughout her consultation for Embode. This makes the process all the more uplifting and inspiring.”

Executive Director
Embode (a human rights consultancy), Thailand



Rebekah has provided systemic consultation to our Health and Justice and Violence Reduction teams in London. Her work with us has enabled a depth of team cohesion that allows us to navigate complexity and maintain the course to serve the purpose, which was of critical importance throughout the pandemic.  She provides compassionate and challenging insights to enable us all. She is a trusted advisor.

Head of Health and Justice
NHSE Violence Reduction Programme Lead, United Kingdom



“Working as an independent consultant within complex systems can be a lonely and unforgiving place, particularly during the last few years! Having regular Extravision sessions with Rebekah has been an invaluable resource and a completely worthwhile investment. Rebekah has a wealth of expertise, knowledge and experience to offer. She provides additional perspectives and insights on my work andl life, our work together has supported me to make positive modifications to my thinking and practice. I feel more empowered and clearer about my role and purpose which has given me a greater sense of agency with my clients. Rebekah works in a person-centred way and with a great deal of compassion. I highly recommend working with her.”

Senior Consultant, Social Services
United Kingdom



“I had the great fortune to be introduced to Rebekah through a business partner while at an early and critical stage of a now flourishing fintech start-up. Rebekah was able to provide guidance and counseling to our entire leadership team, both as a group and individually. The process and structure that she delivered during our calls as a team helped to cultivate singular focus and alignment while empowering individual participation and performance. It was easy to see that she has exceptional experience with understanding individual motivations, emotional intelligence and unique attributes. Her ability to help each of us connect with where our strengths and personalities caused disruption with our equal desire to achieve mutual success enabled us to create a culture of collaboration and respect.

Rebekah’s individual coaching was no less than transformational. She is patient, warm, honest and created a safe space to have honest conversation. Without pushing an agenda, her direction of conversation enabled self-realization and empowerment that allowed me to step into my power and move beyond my self-limiting beliefs.”

Fintech Entrepreneur Executive
Vancouver, BC
Ft. Lauderdale, FL



“Rebekah is very skilled, knowledgeable, insightful and really great to work with. She has helped us reflect and think about our leadership in a totally different way. Rebekah’s systemic psychodynamics approach has helped us question our habitual ways of working and identify unconscious assumptions driving us as a team. This has enabled us to transform the way we work and become far more effective and focussed, as individuals and as a leadership team.”

Head of Clinical Education
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Wales

In Numbers…

15,000 hours of consultancy

Executive LEadership Coaching

10,000 hours of Organisational Consulting

Organisational and Team Development

worked across

25 years of experience


Rebekah O'Rourke - Leadership Coach

About Me

With over 25 years of experience in dynamics at work, I offer expansive and creative approaches to organisations and people. I take an integrated view utilising systemic psychodynamics, psychology, various spiritual traditions and body-centered learning. I have lived experience of leading and being in complex organisations and understand the challenges and opportunities this provides. I believe we lead to learn.